Inspiring and executing the design intent of the most discerning designers, Aculux precision luminaires quietly enhance any environment by putting the right amount of light in precisely the right place.
Proprietary Technology
Tru-Line™ features patented Pro-VI™ bar hangers, coupled with patented +/-1/2” aperture translation and +/- 45° aperture rotation makes perfect fixture to fixture alignment achievable.
Acu-Aim™ precision geared aiming provides 45° vertical adjustment and 370°rotation. With optimized center-beam optics, at every aiming angle, the center of the beam translates through the center of the aperture, resulting in highly efficient, low brightness apertures absent of glare or flash.
Newly redesigned, Aculux’s asymmetric lensed wall wash luminaire features the LED optic in a fixed position for optimal wall washing. This new design coupled with a linear spread lens, an optical film and integral wall wash kicker deliver exceptional illumination and maximize ceiling to floor uniformity.
Aculux precision downlights feature a deep source regression and maintain 45º visual cutoff for superb brightness control creating a true quiet ceiling that inspires.
Architectural Versatility
Aculux luminaires are available in both round and square apertures in three aperture sizes: 2-inch, 3-inch, and 4-inch. Each aperture size is a comprehensive family featuring downlights, adjustables, and wall washers.
Wall Wash
Discover the power of high-contrast precision downlighting and how it can transform a space
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